
Disastrous Homelessness Policy Makes Us All Crazy

By |2018-08-11T21:28:18-04:00July 23rd, 2018|Featured, Incivility, bad manners, Poverty and income, Universal Basic Income|

This month, we read that a woman set another woman afire at a shelter in Queens, New York after an argument. In 2016, a man was practically beheaded at a Manhattan shelter after an argument gone bad. A DHS spokesperson said of the fire starter, “this unconscionable act goes against everything we stand for.” This [...]

Temporary Assistance for Needy Families federal block grants

By |2019-04-11T15:48:27-04:00July 21st, 2018|Incivility, bad manners, Politicians, all types, Poverty and income, Women|

What used to be the centerpiece of U.S. social welfare policy, Aid to Families with Dependent Children, however imperfect it was, has become a slush fund for states to plug their own budget gaps instead of an anti-poverty program.

Democrats for Life – DFLA – National Conference Speakers 2018

By |2018-07-04T11:40:14-04:00July 4th, 2018|Featured|

Democrats For Life of America (DFLA) is hosting its inaugural Annual Conference in Denver, Colorado on July 20-22, 2018. The DFLA Annual Conference is the pinnacle of our work to rejuvenate the Democratic Party with pro-life Democrats. One in 3 Democrats is pro-life or have significant reservations about our current abortion policy, and significant concerns [...]

Stuff that Makes No Sense: United States

By |2018-04-07T16:04:57-04:00April 7th, 2018|Featured, Poverty and income, Stupid politicians, Universal Basic Income|

What if legislators LEGISLATED that the dollar amount of a Food Stamp monthly benefit match the amount the USDA itself says is needed to buy the amount and quality of food that keeps a person alive?

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