Universal Basic Income

Pro-soda group’s “concern” for poor is bull-doo

So now, are we to believe that the pro-soda, pro-diabetes, pro-obesity lobby is coming to the defense of the poor in the United States? If the anti-soda tax people cared, they'd get behind a Universal Basic Income.

The Christmas Basket (A conversation starter for your post-holiday hangover)

To say the chosen families needed the help more than the others was to advertise that they were particularly destitute, since everyone in room was poor, including by the way the teachers, who made about $12 an hour.

By |2018-11-23T18:48:08-05:00November 19th, 2017|Poverty and income, Universal Basic Income, Women|0 Comments

Creation vs. Consumption

There is something very satisfying about saving a piece of old furniture. I think of the people who have sat on it, or at it, maybe talking out a problem not different from the problems I have; or maybe they planned a birthday party, or a trip, or how they'd make the rent on a [...]

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